Reverse FDA timeline — interesting dates in the history of U.S. drug regulation

Reverse Food and Drug Administration timeline — interesting dates in the history of U.S. drug and device regulation



March 24- FDA posts “Clinical Trial Considerations To Support Accelerated Approval of Oncology Therapeutics; Draft Guidance for Industry; Availability.”
“Given the limitations of single-arm trials, a randomized controlled trial is the preferred approach to support an application for accelerated approval,” the FDA staff writes.

In a comment on this draft, PhRMA encouraged FDA to consider providing examples in the final guidance of when a single-arm trial approach would be most appropriate such as when an RCT would raise ethical concerns.

The FDA staff also acknowledges the challenges in designing trials in a rapidly emerging field. Accelerated approval is intended to speed sales of medicines that considered likely to offer meaningful alternatives to those already on the market. The FDA in these cases makes a calculated decision, weighing risks and uncertainties against possible benefits. In some cases, the standard of care may chance during drug testing.

“Ultimately, the determination of what constitutes available therapy is made at the time the regulatory decision is made rather than at the time the trial was initiated,” the FDA staff wrote.

Jan. 18. FDA opens nonrulemaking docket, titled Advancing Real-World Data and Real-World Evidence with User Fee Funding (FDA-2023-N-0156)


2021- August 23: The FDA granted a regular approval for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines in people ages 16 and older.

2021-Aug. 5. ICER issues final report on aducanumab. (Cut Aducanumab Cost, Speed Confirmatory Research, ICER Says Medscape Medical News.)

2021-Aug. 4 OIG announces review of FDA accelerated review process. (FDA’s Accelerated Drug Approval Process Under Investigation by OIG, Aug. 5, 2021. Medscape Medical News.)

2021-July 15 ICER panel finds no net benefit to aducanumab (No Net Benefit of Aducanumab for Alzheimer’s Disease, Expert Panel Rules, July 16, 2021. Medscape Medical News.)

2021-July 12. CMS announces national coverage analysis for aducanumab. ( Contentious Alzheimer’s Drug Likely to Get National Coverage Plan, CMS Says, July 13, 2021. Medscape Medical News. )

2021-June 7. FDA approves aducanumab


2020-Nov. 6. FDA advisors essentially voted against approval of this drug. (FDA transcript of meeting)



The FDA issues the first EUA for a COVID-19 vaccine.


January 7- The FDA issues the first EUA.


Nov. 28- St. Jude Medical initiates Class I recall of Riata products. The company confirmed the failures associated with all cause insulation failure on the St. Jude Medical Riata and Riata ST Silicone Endocardial Defibrillation Leads with specific emphasis on externalized conductors.




September 6- FDA issues accelerated approval for midodrine in hypotension. As of 4/21/22, the FDA listed this accelerated approval as “not yet converted.” (FDA letter on midodrine)


April 15 – FDA publishes in the Federal Register a draft rule for accelerated approvals.( See a copy of the Federal Register notice here, FR-1992-04-15.) 


President Theodore Roosevelt signs into law the Food and Drugs Act, which sought to prevent sales of dangerous substances branded as medicine.